...chickens taking over the world is an absurd thought, it isn't going to happen, not ever, they don't have opposable thumbs...yet, how many of us have seen in our own lives, and those around us, absurd things happen? Major, "big chicken" things: extended job loss, death, bankruptcy, one of those, two of those, or all three plus some...things we never really imagined, let alone thinking more than one of them would happen. We thought our job was safe, our families were healthy and that the savings would last. Losing a job? A loved one passing away? Losing almost everything material of value? The thought of that is certainly absurd....(that humming noise is the sound of the chickens approaching)
....maybe it isn't something so major "little chicken" things: maybe it is a fender bender, a flat tire, a stolen i pod, a bad day, seemingly inconvenient things....but, they too have their own absurdity factor....my question is how many times are we caught off guard by absurd, and maybe not so absurd things...(the chickens are getting closer, can you hear them?)
...The point is that we all have situations where "chickens are taking over our world," where we are stunned and can't or won't believe what happened or what was said...so how do we handle these poultry predators when they come our way, do we let them get closer and threaten our welfare, or do we, despite the absurdity of the situation, get ready to battle, determined to pummel some poultry?
I'll admit this is definitely on the silly side. But sometimes far-fetched ideas deliver some of our best ideas, best truths and best solutions...so when a challenge is headed our way, or maybe it has already found us, what attitude and action are we going to take? Are we going to let our chickens take over our world or are we going to inflict some chicken carnage?
Enough silliness...I'm off to get more details on the chickens' plans...